


  Please scroll down for the English version-UNNC’s Gaokao admission outcome in Zhejiang improves considerably.









  UNNC’s Gaokao admission outcome in Zhejiang improves considerably

  19 July: The Zhejiang Education Examinations Authority released the entry lines for the first batch of universities in 2023 Zhejiang Gaokao. The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) ranks second only to Zhejiang University among comprehensive universities in terms of minimum admission score.

  As of 19 July 2023, the Gaokao admission within Zhejiang Province has been completed. The minimum admission score of UNNC is 609, 15 points higher than the tier one line (the benchmark for "good" universities). This year, UNNC only accepts students from the top 44 thousand in the province. The highest admission score of UNNC is 658, indicating that students who qualify for national top universities chose UNNC.

  According to the 2024 QS World University Rankings released last month, University of Nottingham is ranked in the Top 100 in the world. As the first Sino-foreign university and a key member of the University of Nottingham global education system, UNNC graduates are highly valued by leading companies and top universities and UNNC is gaining increasing social recognition with its high-quality international education, which is also reflected in UNNC’s 2023 student admission outcomes.

  In provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions where admission processes have finished, the university is typically seeing improvements compared with the previous year. According to the latest UNNC employability report, over 90% of the Class of 2022 graduates went to work and study in leading enterprises and top universities in the world. Over the past semester, the university was reported on by a range of international and domestic media outlets, continuously building on its reputation.

  For the complete list of entry lines for the first batch of universities in 2023 Zhejiang Gaokao, please click “Read more” at the bottom.

  文章来源 | Patrick Cai, Elena Yang





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